SomaSim is a small indie studio focused on making simulation games. 1849 was the first title and the game was built in about 12 months. This is a city sim where the player is tasked with building out a city or town, in a number of different senarios, during the California gold rush.

Below is the trailer for 1849.

On this project I worked on designing the UI, dialogs and map.

Roles and Responsibilities:
  • Design game UI
  • Present and discuss designs and layouts
  • High and low fidelity mocks of different game elements and flows
  • Synthesize feedback into actionable items and iterate on designs
  • Coordinate and meet milestones while working with fully remote team
  UI / UX

Below are samples of the work done on 1849.
  Screen Shots

1849 Screen Shots

1849 Screen Shots

Screen shots of the main HUD with flyout menu open and closed.

  Info Flyouts

1849 building info

An example of the building info flyout (top). This is where players would be able to tap on a building on the game board to open this flyout. The flyout would then provide players with detailed information on the selected building allowing them to see production info or demolish the building.

  UI Bits

1849 building info

UI pieces for 1849.

  1849: Nevada Silver Resource Dialog

1849 building info

A study in the different ways the resource dialog could be structured. This was for the 1849 expansion Nevada Silver.

  1849: Nevada Silver HUD

1849 building info

HUD study of different visual treatments for the Nevada Silver expansion.

  1849: Nevada Silver HUD

1849 building info

UI pieces for 1849: Nevada Silver